Next week I will be presenting an extended session at the Learning2 Europe conference in Milan. It will be focused on becoming a connected educator, as well as looking at why and how you can connect your students and your learning community. Here are the resources that we will be using:
Here are some of the resources that I will either use or refer to during the extended session. If any of the links are broken please let me know so that i can fix them up.
– I have hyperlinked as many resources in the presentation that I could, so you will be able to click on most of the things that I refer to.
Tom Whitby article - The Connected Educator - It Begins With Collaboration
The Connected Educator Bullet List - (extract from above article)
Vicki Davis article - A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom
Twitter: A Cultural Guidebook by Keri-Lee Beasley & Jabiz Raisdana – this iBook is a really great introduction to how Twitter works, and to the different ways that you can participate in Twitter, depending on your comfort level. It was very thoughtfully written.
How to set up a Google Hangout on Air - this is a simple guide to setting up a GHoA.
Reading list (for when life gives you a moment):
- Pure Genius: Building a Culture of Innovation and Taking 20% Time to the Next Level by Don Wettrick - I used this book a lot to set up my Genius Hour class, but most of the book highlights the real learning power that a PLN and in particular social media can bring to the learning that can happen in a classroom.
- The Educator's Guide to Creating Connections (Corwin Connected Educators Series) by Tom Whitby - This book is written by the same author as the initial article we are using in our session. It is a very concise and clear guide to the why and how of being a connected educator.
John Burns - #sisrocks - Why use a school hashtag?
Educational Hashtags: